Sometimes it is just meant to be

Ron is a strong believer in Karma. Not that he wanders through life as Mister Happy Go Lucky, Pie in the Sky kinda guy. He believes in the causality characteristic, which is that like deeds lead to like effects. So good karma produces good effect on the actor, while bad karma produces bad effect. In other words – you do good, you get good.
I told you the story of getting the straw bales so we could get our garlic planted. What I didn’t tell you is that Ron pulled his Troy-Bilt chipper/vac out of the garage to get it ready. He runs the straw through it before we use it to cover the garlic. And it wouldn’t start, wouldn’t even pull. So he loaded it up on the trailer and drove it over to his repair guy. We would just have to go with the straw as is and went on with our day.
Have I mentioned that Ron is an internet junkie? The man could spend all day reading and researching any subject under the sun. He stays signed into Facebook and checks in on numerous pages. Which lead to our latest good thing. On People and Places of Rome NY he spotted a post from a lady offering the same brand chipper to anyone who would come and get it. The thing ran but one of the blades was broken. He posted a note saying if it was still unclaimed, he would be more than happy to take it off their hands. Sheila replied with her phone number. He called and we headed out to Rome to pick it up. Ron was giddy. Not only did we have the trailer at the house with us, but it was still hooked up to the Transit. It was so meant to be.
A 25 minute drive and we pulled into their driveway. Handshakes all around and we headed to the backyard to see the machine. Turns out the owners no longer needed the machine as all the trees they used to have around the house had already come down. Now it was just taking up space in the garage. Which reminded me, just where are we going to store this thing?
As I loaded some of the smaller parts on the trailer I was surprised to see Ron’s cousin Chuck heading toward me. He lives across the street. A nice bonus to our day. We got the thing loaded onto the trailer and strapped down for a safe trip home. A few more minutes of conversation, a last thank you and we headed out. This was all on Sunday, Oct. 11.
The next day he took it over to his repair guy so see what could be done. Dave was shocked that Ron had gotten this for free. But he is used to my husband showing up with another “toy” that he got a “deal” on. Our chipper’s engine was shot so they decided they would get the new one up and running for us and keep the other for parts. Cuz Great, now we have to find a way to store both of them. Anybody want to come over and help us organize our garage?

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