Opening soon

I am annoyed at brother in law Don and his son, Jesse. Yesterday Don called to ask Ron when he was headed out to the Farm. We had been waiting until the possible rain cleared the area. Suddenly it didn’t matter. Ron got dressed in his work clothes and headed out. First dropping his bush hog off at Farm, then headed to Rome to pick up the ladder Don found for him. That was the last I saw of him for next 6 hours. He was a happy, tired man when he got home. Not only had Jesse taken the bush hog to the path, having great fun with it, but they had leveled off the outhouse. Decided not to try moving it, just got it settled better in its spot and level. The annoyance is because nothing is supposed to happened at THF without pictures being taken. Ron assures me he warned them.
This morning Ron and I headed to Lowes to get some outdoor primer so we could get the first coat on the house. We got to the Farm about 11 am and got started. Well, not quite yet. I forgot the camera in the Transit. So Ron had me go back on the 4 wheeler. And, yea me, I remembered how to get the thing into reverse. Nailed the 3 point turn.
The best thing about this painting job is that we did not have to be neat about it. Actually, we were pretty messy. I still haven’t gotten all the paint off my hands yet. Or my glasses. It was the perfect day for painting. Sunny, but nice and cool in the shade provided by the trees. With a breeze too. Three hours later we were done. One more coat of primer and then, well not sure how many coats of the final color we will need. Hoping not too many.
Fair warning. The first person who says “you missed a spot” will be handed the paint can and brush.
Updates to follow.
Second coat of paint is now on the outhouse. I got home from work, grabbed a quick dinner and changed into work clothes. Don had called earlier to say he would meet us out there about 5 pm. We took Jo with us too. Ron planned to have her practice driving the 4 wheeler. She was not a fan of that plan. That thing makes her nervous.
This coat went on so easy taking us about 2 hours. And used so much less paint.
Having Jo with us meant that I finally got to be “in” a few pictures, instead of being the one taking them. This is me moving the ladder from one side of the house to another. I was painting up high, while Ron handled the lower parts.
Jo never did drive the 4 wheeler, but she and her uncle Don went on a walk around the Farm. He is a serious nature guy and is able to ID lots of birds by their calls. Something I wish I could do. He has a wicked sense of humor too. And when he gets together with Ron, watch out.
It is going to rain tomorrow, so we are not sure when we will be able to get the final color on. No real hurry, but it will be nice to have one more thing done. I keep telling Ron he needs to make up a to do list. Then we can check things off. He is not so sure that is a good idea. Will take him longer to write up the list than to actually get anything done.

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