Oh deer, our veggies

I should have known better. I thought I had a good handle on our deer issue. I went out to the garden this morning to get some sugar snap peas for lunch. And found this
Now only did he/she (am pretty sure it is just the one) trash our tomatoes, but they went to town on our green beans too. Obviously there will no canning of beans again this year. They have only eaten the leaves and not the stalks. So Ron thinks we might get more growth. Fingers are crossed. Last year was such a disappointment with the rabbits dining every night.
Now I am beginning to think we not only have ninja deer, but invisible ones. Remember the movie John Travolta movie -Phenomenon? He kept building his fence higher to keep the rabbit out. Then he figured out the critter was already in the fence. I am thinking that our pest is hiding behind the asparagus. No other explanation for it. I have VHS tape and trellis parts surrounding the garden and one of them still gets in. Not enough damage for a herd, so most likely just the one. But dang, we have lost lots of potential veggies. So I grabbed the tape and ran it around a few more times, going lower. Ron tells me that deer can drop down and crawl under things like a dog can. Haven’t seen that myself, but I have no real reason not to believe him. Unless I stop and think of all the times he has tried to get me to believe his lie. Like the time he told me be broke his leg while running and would not make it back to NY for Christmas. He tends to tell tall tales …..so maybe I better google that. Other people he knows will agree that he just loves to see what he get someone else to believe.
I have not given up on the garden this year, but let me tell you, I have a good 8 months to plot and plan. Next year, there will be NO deer damage. Even if Ron finds himself sleeping out there in a tent. He says he has fond memories of roughing it when he was young. This farm of his might be his midlife crisis, so sleeping in a tent will bring him that much closer to his youth.

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