When will it all end

We had planned to get out to THF on Saturday and get the first color coat onto the outhouse. Weather did not cooperate. Thunderstorms were expected later in the day and we did not want to get the paint on only to have it washed off by the rain. So it was a puttering day. Ron set out to fix the trailer light. When that turned into a bigger project, he set it aside and installed our new outside lights. Another thing off our to do list, yea team.
We spent the rest of the day running errands; needed to pick up the paint and we stopped to buy some local honey. Cannot wait to try it on my morning toast. So much for the rain. It finally arrived long after dark.
Sunday it was bright and sunny and very hot. Almost too hot to get anything done. But still calling for rain about noon. But the plan was still on to do some painting. I suggested we do the inside first. That way the rain would not be a factor. Ron agreed and we started getting ready. Then Jo noticed we had standing water in the bottom of our dishwasher. Crap. We do not need this. Ron pulled the filter out and washed it and I bailed out the water. We set that project aside as we really needed to get out to THF.
A perfect day for working outside as long as you have enough shade. And we certainly have that. We unloaded all our needed paraphernalia – paint, brushes, water, camera, cell phones, snacks, stepstool, plastic bags, bug spray, and boots. Halfway down the path, I realized we had left the brush in the car and headed back for it. When I caught up with Ron, we realized we had forgotten the painters tape. So back I went again to the car. This time I had to drive home to get what we forgot. Thank goodness it is only 15 minutes one way. When I got back, Ron had already brushed the house down and we got started. I got the fun job of taping. So not my favorite thing to do. Ron mixed water into the primer and started painting. I finished the taping and picked up a paint brush.  A few hours later we were done.
DSCN0713Looks pretty good, doesn’t it?
Now we just have to wait for it to dry and hope that the expected rain doesn’t wash off my taping job.
Today we had not planned to get out to the farm as it was supposed to rain but again didn’t. So off we went. This time we had better quality paint brushes which make the work easier. I decided that we needed to white wash the ceiling too. I did that while Ron took out the toilet seat so we could paint the base and then finished taping.
And after

Makes such a difference. Now the inside feels finished. Almost.
Now for the fun part. Getting the first color coat on the outside. Ron decided I would do the roof area while he worked on the bottom. We definitely need a couple of smaller brushed to get into the tiny areas.

We are thinking one more coat will do the trick. Then we have the trim to paint, Ron’s mushroom to hang, some sort of shelf out in, figure out something for the floor, decoration for the front door, a fix for the surrounding area — in other words, I have no idea just when this house will be open for business. Have a feeling Ron will be tweaking for sometime to come.

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